Warm & Safe video review
Published on: 02 November 2019
Now it might be an age thing but, in recent years, I’ve developed a real aversion to freezing my butt off on the bike. I ride for fun. I ride because I enjoy riding. And riding the bike when your teeth are chattering is not enjoyable.
I’m also very much of the view that to ride well, you have to be comfortable. If you're not comfortable on the bike, if you feel soaking wet, boiling hot or freezing cold, you simply cannot concentrate on the matter at hand. In such circumstances, you’re a danger to yourself as well as to other road users.
Traditional, insulation-based solutions will help obviously, but they’ll only take you so far. If it’s cold enough and you're riding fast enough for long enough you will end up getting cold.
The ultimate solution is electrically-heated clothing. Now, our inclination is always to search out the best. This often makes our lives here at Motolegends more difficult, and our position might not make the most sense from a commercial perspective. But that’s the way we do things.
And so instead of going for one of the well-known European brands, we ended up going for an American brand called Warm & Safe. In going down this route, we were guided by some of our more hardcore customers who commute big miles all year round. They told us that Warm & Safe was the best; that it was lighter and more comfortable to wear, that it was technically more advanced, more reliable and warmer.
18 months down the road, I’d have to say we pretty much agree with those assertions. We love the gear and I, in particular, never ride anywhere without my jacket either on me or in a pannier. As one of our customers recently exclaimed: “Oh my days; this is a game changer”.
So if you’ve got 10 minutes spare, watch the video. It’s no worse than any of the videos that have gone before, although my mum still thinks they're all pretty rubbish!